Registration & Privacy

As the property owner or property representative of the Property registering with Waitlist Central (Website), you agree to provide true, accurate, and complete information regarding the Property, its ownership and all details pertaining to waitlist openings listed on the website. By submitting the information on a property, you represent that you are either the Property owner or are authorized by the Property owner to submit this information presented to Waitlist Central and the information is accurate to the best of your knowledge. If you provide any information that is untrue, inaccurate, or incomplete, or HousingLink personnel have any grounds to suspect that such information is untrue, inaccurate, or incomplete, including but not limited receiving conflicting information regarding the Property from any source, then HousingLink reserves the right to terminate or refuse any and all current or future use of the Website (or any portion thereof) and to withdraw, delete or refuse any listing, posting or other submitted information in HousingLink sole and absolute discretion. HousingLink reserves the right to take any action that HousingLink deems necessary to ensure the security and integrity of the Website, including, without limitation, changing your password, terminating the Property(s) account, or requesting additional information to authorize transactions on the Property(s) account. HousingLink and the Website may not be used for fraudulent, deceptive, or unlawful purposes including providing information regarding a Property that you are not authorized to list or provide information regarding. Website reserves the right to seek triple damages against you under Minnesota’s Deceptive Practices Act for any violation of the Act. You are solely responsible for keeping the Property account data confidential. The Property is solely liable for any claims, damages, losses, costs or other liabilities resulting from or caused by any misuse of our site or failure to keep the Property account data confidential, whether such misuse or failure occurs with or without the Property(s) knowledge or consent. The Property(s) will immediately notify the Website of any suspected or actual unauthorized access to or use of the Property(s) account data or any other breach of the Property(s) account security.

HousingLink commits to not selling or sharing any of your detail information to any other person or organization. HousingLink will use your information in the aggregate for reporting purposes, both internally and externally. This reporting will not occur in a manner that divulges your personal information, except as it is rendered in our rental listing service, without your prior consent.

The use of the Website is conditioned upon and subject to these terms and conditions of use among others. HousingLink reserves the absolute and sole discretion to make decisions regarding the Website.